My Muse
Sunday, December 19, 2010
No Regrets
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Short story Two
Meet him at the airport. So here I am. Watching the board for that 5pm flight from JFK. I begin to get nervous. After months of conversations and web chats, here I am. What if he doesn’t like me? He knows EVERYTHING about me, so why do I feel like he knows NOTHING?
I have to get my fight or flight response under control. I know I can still turn tail and run. I know that I can either step forward or back. Stepping back takes me to everything safe. Everything normal and boring. Back to being the lonely Divorcee with almost grown children. But it is safe. No choices, no hard decisions. No option of risking my heart. I could be content, happy even. Yet I would never be satisfied. I would always wonder. Stepping forward. That sends me in to a world of choice and chance. Thrill and adventure. I risk my heart and my soul in this option. I would be content, happy and satisfied. So forward or back? Fight or flight? I laugh forgetting I am in an airport, causing several by passers to give me interesting looks. I have no choice in the matter. My heart made my decision for me long ago.
The board changes. One word catches my eye. ARRIVED. Here goes everything and nothing at the same time. I pull out my compact and inspect my wildly curly hair knowing there is nothing I can do for it now. I run my hands down the sides of my silky red shirt then brush the invisible lines and lint of my grey pencil skirt. I walk as close as I can get to the gate.
Watching. Waiting.
There. I see him. I let out the breath I never knew I was holding. He looks exactly like I knew he would. Dark slightly wavy hair, just enough that you want to lose your fingers in. Olive skinned and gray eyed. Everything about him radiates brilliance. The crowd begins to part as I slowly take a patent black stiletto step forward. Each step becomes increasing in pace. I hear the sound of his carry-on dropping to the ground. I feel his hands touch mine, funny I don’t even remember reaching out for him. All I see is his face, the look in his eyes as he takes me in. Like he is surprised I actually came. I feel the world slow; I hear the chatter of the passengers stop. Everything is waiting on us. My eyes flutter closed. I can feel his breath on my skin. His arms close around me. Enfolding me. My hands slide up his arms and around his neck. My fingers weaving into his hair. Kiss. My feet lift off the ground. There is a rushing in my ears. A tingling all over my skin. He tastes like summer after the rain. Sweet like the lavender and honey blend I know he takes in his tea.
I know everyone has stopped and is now staring at us. For once in my life I don’t care. The old women with their husbands and the ones with their groups of girlfriends all lift their hands to their hearts sigh and reminisce to the others “ remember when we were young? So in love? Without a care in the world? ” when we break away we just smile. He takes my hand and we begin to walk. The world still watching begins to come to life again.
We almost forget to go to baggage claim, but I remind him that he does need his luggage.
We get to my car and he pushes me against it. Kissing me hard. This kiss is opposite of the one in front of the world. This kiss is feral, hungry, and needy. Full of the pain and torture of being able to see me for months but not touch me or be near me. The knowing of being what seemed worlds apart and the greed of having me there in his arms. When he released me he opened the driver side door for me. I shakily got in relieved to have a few moments chance to calm my nerves. He climbs in the passenger side of my small car after placing his almost forgotten luggage in the trunk. He slides his hand over my shoulders leaving chills in his wake. I smile softly to myself at this intimate gesture. I turn the key hearing the v6 roar to life as he absentmindedly begins to play with my hair, neck, ears and shoulders.
The drive wasn’t long to the restaurant. But I had never had one short ride seems so long yet pass by so quickly. We no longer were hidden behind a computer. All of our flaws and misfortunes were out there for the other to see. The questions began to come back again. Would he still like me? Am I what he expected? But now they had new fears in tacked. Will he be what I expected? He is here, will he does he love me? Do I love him? I giggle at that one. Which cause a smile to cross his face as he glances at me for a second. Of course I love him. I loved him before he ever got on that plane to come to me. I loved him when I realized I missed talking to him on the days one of us were not available. I loved the man next to me with all my heart. Everything else I was pondering fell in comparison to this realization. I smiled. I could feel him watching me. His hand on my shoulder stopped being a second thought as I felt him take his hand and run his fingers up and down the back of my neck. I could feel him getting closer. It was as if he knew why I giggled; why my sudden explosive happiness. I felt his nose and mouth against my cheek as he nuzzled me. Then kissed a sweet, but very worthy kiss on my cheek. I turned in to the parking lot of the restaurant.
I requested a table on the patio. The sun was something we both needed, a reminder of bright futures. Our conversation began awkwardly. How do you talk to someone face to face that you had only sent emails and messages to? What do you say? I begin laughing and before long he joins in. Nothing has been said. It is one of those moments where you know the other person feels just as odd as you. In that moment, that one moment of glorious, spontaneous laughter, everything is fine. I no longer feel he knows nothing about me. I am not quite sure he knows everything, but that’s ok. During the rest of dinner he held on to my hands and I felt his legs rub against mine. Each brush sending shivers up my spine and a smile to my lips. I knew we could have anything.
Short Story One
I have no idea what to call this. Once again and probably all you will see for the next couple of months this is for my creative writing class. I had to write two short stories. This one was a completely new creation. My other one, well I have been dabbling on for a while but could never get it to flow the way I wanted. So here is Story one!
Today is the day. I, like every other little girl, have dreamed of this day since I was seven years old. I imagined purple calla lilies, pink sweetheart roses, and blue dahlias. I cut pictures from Bridal Magazines and added them to my scrapbook. I would save every program from the weddings I went to, with a page of critiques, what I thought worked and what didn’t. By the time I went to college I had my perfect wedding planned, all I needed was a groom and to pick a date.
How was I to know we were destined when I ran into you that rainy April day ten years ago? In that flying of papers and splashing of water you somehow came out unscathed, while I ended up soaking in a puddle of water. You hurriedly pulled me out, grabbed a backpack off the ground and continued to class. Leaving me there alone to chase my scattered term papers. I was so glad to have lost you and never wanted to see you again, well until I got to class. You had grabbed MY pack off the ground in your haste. After that fateful meeting, we became inseparable around campus. All of my friends asked where Jerry was when I showed up to parties without you. Jerome Sawyer and Alexandra Walker, everyone knew the two went hand in hand. We won spring fling King and Queen our senior year. Even after graduation and it was determined you were going to Harvard to Graduate School and I was going to Berkeley. We knew that no distance would break our friendship. When I thought I would crack under the pressure I would call you and somehow you would relieve my stress. Now you are the big shot lawyer you always wanted to be and I am the hippie journalist fighting for the rights of the underdog.
Yet here we are. Today is the day. I added you to this dream for at least eight of our ten years. As I walked through the sanctuary earlier I was in awe of how perfect it was. The church is decked out in small elegant flowers, the feel of spring surrounding anyone who is in the room. It is what I always pictured; the flowers, the dress, everything. Everything including the date, it’s exactly ten years since our chance meeting in the rain. Did you realize that? Of course you didn’t.
I am ready. I know that in two hours I will be standing beside you. I will hear your vows read, and I will cry. I will cry because it is not my eyes you are looking into. I am not the one you love. I realize that we have led two completely separate lives and that I am not compatible for you. You are a lawyer who fights for those I fight against. I am the epitome of everything you are not allowed to associate with. One day you will be running the country, while I am in a third world country reporting on some tragedy. So I give you freely to her. I will be your best man and your family. I will never hold you back for any reason. In fact, Jerry, you will never know. You will never know because I never told you nor will I ever tell you. I will only say it once; I Alexandra Walker loves, no I can’t do it.
I have to wonder if you ever felt anything for me. How horrible would that be two people are in unrequited love for each other and both too afraid to admit it. I cannot deal with that backlash of admission. I cannot torture you with this problem. Can I? Would it be fair? A minute ago I was solid in my beliefs. Now, well now I am unsure. Oh how I wish I could call you for that pep talk like in College! How would I explain this one?
”Jerry I need a boost, I am stressed out.”
“What’s been going on Alex? What’s got you so uptight?” You would reply like always.
“Oh I don’t know how to tell you I am in love with you.”
Yeah, I don’t see this scenario working out too well. So how do I do this? Should I just push my feelings aside or do I tell you?
Ding, dong ,ding. Oh My! That means we have one hour. I am not ready for this. I have got to fix my make-up I must look horrifying. Yep, black eyeliner running down my face. That will at least occupy my mind for a few minutes. Now to my duties as the best man. I must go to you and make sure you don’t run away. Ha! I will be there to support you in whatever you want. Should I tell you? No, no that is a bad idea. Ok elevator in sight. Twelve floors till the lobby. At least we are beside the church. Nine floors till the lobby. I am not ready for this. I am not ready to let you marry her. Three floors till the lobby. I am going to have to tell you. One floor till the lobby. No. I will not tell you. I will let you be happy and watch from afar.
Why are you pacing? As the doors open there you are across the lobby pacing. Oh you have seen me. I am not quite sure how to read that look on your face. Well, I am going to stick to my resolve. I will not tell you. You are free to do whatever you want. My window of opportunity has closed.
“Hey Jerry! Ready to go get married?” I am smiling, putting a lot of effort to make it not look forced.
“Actually Alex I need to talk to you first.”
“Are you ok? I’m sure everything will be fine. I saw the church already it’s beautiful.” I can only hold my resolve so long! We need to get over there!
“Do you know what today is, Alex?”
“Yeah, the day your getting married!” And the day my heart is breaking, and the anniversary of the day we first met, but none of those are what we are here for. So what’s your point?
“No, don’t you remember? That day in college in the rain?”
“Yes Jerry, I remember, I didn’t think you did.” Where is this going?
“Oh, Alex I remember, I will never forget. I have to tell you something Alex.”
“I can’t marry June today.”
Until the fates let Us,
Monday, September 6, 2010
drabble.... 100 word art
I am taking a creative writing class in school. this is actually one of my assignments. write 100 word(no more no less) story on anything.
Here she was again, quarter after ten and still no sign of him. She knew the office closed at seven and with traffic it should only take an hour to get home. With this thought she picked up her wedding album, “Robert and Jane Dutton, June 12th 2005 Happiness Always” what a crock of bull. She was done. Going about her normal routine, filling a plate and placing it in the oven, this time she added a note.
Enjoy your dinner. I hope it is as good as your appetizer.
Happiness Always,
When Robert arrived, Jane was gone.
So what do you think? I know its been a while now but I am still around!
until the fates let us,
Monday, March 22, 2010
A slightly Different Song...